Doula Pamela
Education is a journey toward self discovery.
Expectant Mothers may be wondering: What do I need to know to feel confident as a birthing woman? How will my partner support me? How does our culture affect my perceptions of birth? How will my partner and I work together? Where will I find my village of support? What is important for me as a mother?
Partners may be wondering: What practical and emotional support can I provide? How will I parent and create support for myself? What essential information is necessary to support a laboring woman?
As a mentor, I am hoping to provide a relaxed and fun space for active discussion, practical information and plenty of pain coping practices.
To register for classes, contact me directly on my contact page or by calling 707-824-1231.
Childbirth Classes
Group and Private
Learn how your instinctual body guides you through the birth of your baby.
Discover how your partner/team can support you as you navigate the unique twists and turns of the laborinth of birth.
Explore the modern knowledge of physiology and medical support and discover pain coping practices that can help you to be more present during labor.
Nurture your own knowing of who you are as a blossoming mother and prepare for your labor journey!
Breastfeeding Classes
​These and many more questions answered in this two hour class:
How to support initial and continued breastfeeding
What positions can be used?
How to establish a good latch
What to do if you have problems
How is breast milk made
Dispelling myths
How can partners and family members support breastfeeding
Pumping and storage of breastmilk
How often does a baby need to nurse?
​How do I know baby is getting enough?
Infant Care
Now that you have the baby, what do you do? This classes addresses some of the basics of infant care:
Baby wearing
The Layette
When to call your care provider
Newborn appearance and procedures
Developing a parental support plan​
Soothing a crying baby
How to recognize a baby's cues